Friday, October 19, 2012

Lulu's Bad Day

Meet Lulu.  
Lulu is very cute.  She knows it.

Two days ago, Lulu had a bad day.  
A VERY bad day.

As soon as Daddy let her out of her crate she ran downstairs and did this on the carpet.
Two times.

Later that morning when the front door opened she went searching for an adventure.

When her family came home after school, they discovered that Lulu
had spent some time reading Duncan's library book.
Oh, and one of Daddy's favourite prayer books, too.

Mommy and Daddy decided to finish the day with a leisurely evening walk.
Lulu was not in a leisurely mood.  Lulu almost dislocated
Mommy's shoulder.

It's a good thing Lulu's family loves her so much.
But they're seriously considering calling the Dog Whisperer.



  1. We love lulu too! See if you can guess who this is auntie stephie

  2. Um, that is one smart dog who can poop the word poo! Love this story! And yes, how can we not love lulu, that wicked little puppy!

  3. I think that was Auntie Beth and Kiera, checking in on little ol' Lulu. Maybe I should get Lulu an antler to keep her occupied ... seems to work for Keira!

  4. NOOOOOOOO auntie stephie have another try

  5. Hmmm.....could it be Ty Burnard?
