Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's a "Marvel-ous" Life

Have you ever stepped back and taken a look at your life and marvelled at the things you see there? I use the word "marvel" on a couple of different levels. It could be "marvel" in the sense that you can't believe your own good fortune. Or it could be "marvel" as in "This is more bizarre than anything I could ever have imagined being a part of my earthly existence!"

Being the rather introspective, pensive person that I am, I tend to do this quite regularly. Here are some things in my life that cause me to "marvel" from time to time:

  • I have a snake living in my house. Right across the hall from my bedroom, actually. Atticus is a one-year-old rainbow boa belonging to my 13-year-old son Duncan.

  • This fact alone causes me to shake my head, but even more bizarre is my willingness to participate in the weekly "feeding" of said snake. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I actually remind Duncan to defrost the frozen little mouse that he has removed from my chest freezer and then watch with morbid interest to see whether or not the sacrificial offering has been accepted.

  • I marvel at the fact that we are not financially free and independent. I really thought by this time in our lives we'd have more of a handle on the money thing, but, well, we just don't.

  • I find myself in awe over the love I have for my children. Of course, I knew I would love them like crazy, but sometimes I look at them and feel an ache in my chest for all the tenderness I feel. (Other times I feel an ache in my head for all the stress they cause, but that's for another post.)

  • I am amazed at the faithfulness of God throughout my life. I really am. I look back and see His hand in so many situations; His patience with me as I try to walk closely with Him; His wisdom in the way He's guided me and taught me such important life lessons; and His power as He's delivered me from debilitating anxiety and fear. He is truly the biggest, greatest thing in my life. He is more than I'll ever be able to fully comprehend. And He is love. For all of us.

Have a marvel-ous day, wherever you are!