Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Day Off

I have officially spent an hour cleaning my fridge.  Before you sigh and think, "Blast that girl!  Why is she making me feel guilty for not cleaning my own dirty fridge?" ...fear not!  For it is not the INSIDE of my fridge that I have laboured over.  Oh no.  We wouldn't want to do anything that productive on our one and only day to clean this week.  No, what Stephanie Dawn has done is taken down one photo at a time from the OUTSIDE of her fridge, peered carefully at it, washed the outside of the little plastic frame that holds it, scrubbed the little spot on the refrigerator door that houses said photo - with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser no less - and then returned it to its rightful place in the display.  She has also reorganized her calendar/important quotes area on the bottom fridge door and cleaned that with the Magic Eraser as well.  She then moved on to the important task of sifting through the assorted magnets that litter her refrigerator's exterior ... last year's Focus on the Family Christmas magnet? .... into the circular file!  The little golden teapot and frying pan magnets?....ugly, but actually quite useful since they're small enough to hold up the corners of my "Important Phone Numbers" list, so they can stay.  Ben's Vancouver Canucks magnet?.... obviously I won't get away with chucking that one, so it's holding up the chunk of papers I have clipped together beside the calendar.

Meanwhile,  six feet down the hall sits my bathroom floor, screaming to be scrubbed.  Especially after last night's plugged toilet fiasco where I found John, plunger in hand, wading through poopy water all over the floor and sopping up the disaster with old towels.  blah. 

But thank goodness my fridge looks good. :))

Ok, off I go to clean the bathroom....


Thursday, November 8, 2012

What I Learned

Way back when our kids were little, at the dawn of our family life, John and I stumbled on a dinner time tradition that has held fast over the years.  We call it doing our "Three Things."  Pretty much every night we eat together at the table, everyone has a chance to share with the rest of us:
1) Something you liked today
2) Something you didn't like today
3) Something you learned today

I won't bore you with all three of my things today, but here's what I learned.  You will thank me later, believe me.

Use these to clean off your baseboards:

Maybe you're a domestic goddess who's known this for years, but I for one am seriously excited about my new discovery.  It's amazing, I tell you!

You're welcome!