Thursday, October 22, 2009


I used to laugh at my father-in-law for this funny little expletive, but over the years I have unwittingly adopted it myself. For example, today I have decided to try to get this crazy blog of mine up and running, but "BLAST!" - there are so many things I still don't know how to do. Wait, let me rephrase that - I know almost nothing. I guess for now I'll have to be satisfied with a title, date and picture!! (So very proud of myself for figuring that one out.)


  1. First of all, why Stephanie "Biffany". This is a crucial question that must be answered. Second, welcome to the world of blogging -- and well done -- you are on your way, girl! I always knew you'd soar! Love me

  2. My dad used to call me that. Don't know how it started - still love it.

    How did you manage to sign up for my blog twice??

    HeeHee. You did it again, girl

  3. More blogging required on Stephanie Biffanie's site!!

    Yes, I'm a loser. I love you more than others and wanted to be your friend twice over.
