Sunday, April 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!  Here's an acrostic poem for you on your special day. (This should take you back to my elementary school days):

L - Love, love, love.  This is what she does the best.

I Irreplaceable ... No one like my Mom.

N - "No" ... this is a word she hates to say!  Especially to the  

D Does she ever stop DOING things for us?  Nope.

A - Amazing cook!  We all look forward to eating at Oma's house.

My mom is one of my very best friends in the whole world.  We walk our dogs together, talk about everything under the sun and laugh, laugh, laugh at ourselves.  When I've had jumpy legs the night before, she sympathizes with me.  Unlike my husband.  Or brother-in-law, for that matter. 

Mom is one of the most upbeat people I have ever known.  People just want to be around her!   She smiles and laughs really easily - John has always loved her "hearty German laugh." I can't count the times I've heard, "I love your mom.  She's awesome."  I even have friends who want her to adopt them ... and grandmother their children. 

Speaking of which, don't even get me started on Linda Ann's grandmothering skills.  Honestly, sometimes I think my entire family would rather just move in with her and make it official.  She is the great Matriarch, the ultimate Nurturer of all children Hollingsworth/Konrad/Burnard... They drop in for after school visits and snacks, they want to sleep over at her house, they call her in desperation when their parents can't drive them somewhere.  Oma is the great constant in our family and all the kids feel safe under her fierce protection.  

Thank you, Mom, for being one of the most powerful influences for good in my life.   You mean more to me than you'll ever know.  I won't say all the things that Lillian already said in your mushy-gushy birthday card, but you are the best Mom ever and I hope I can be to my children what you have been to me.  I love you!