But as I've grown up and grown older, my love and appreciation for him has grown and changed as well. I used to love him for all the things he DID for me:
- bought me a used bike for my birthday and totally reconditioned it ... including the snazziest banana seat you'll ever lay eyes on
- taught me how to catch a baseball
- danced with me in the living room after supper
- helped me put together my insect collection (I know ..... UGH! ... but it was cool!)
- designed and built a rabbit hutch that could hold our 19 rabbits - in the back yard - in the city!
- scoped out clunker junkers with us until we found an old car he could buy for us teenagers
- paid through the nose for my university education
- sat me down and encouraged me to write out a LIST (one of his personal favourite activities) of the qualities I was looking for in a husband ... the non-negotiables and the negotiables
But in the past few years, as I've become a parent and a "grown up" myself, I've begun to appreciate my Dad for some other things as well. For some deeper things, character qualities that I always saw as a kid, but never really acknowledged or thought much about. Now I love him just as much for the things he IS:
- a man with a servant's heart who shows me what it looks like to reach out to the poor and disadvantaged
- a faithful, loving husband for my wonderful Mom
- a sacrificial giver
- a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, who loves God and has a growing dynamic relationship with Him
- a lifelong learner who will sit and chat with you over coffee about the things he's got mulling around in his head at that particular moment
- a friend to the people God brings across his path ... whether they're newcomers from China, neighbours he's just met or a young newlywed couple he and Mom have agreed to mentor
- the kind of person who follows through on his promises and keeps his word