Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Dad!

I've always known my Dad is a great guy.  Everybody knows it. "Oh, your Dad is Rudy?  I love Rudy!  He's such a great guy!"  People say that kind of stuff to me a lot.
But as I've grown up and grown older, my love and appreciation for him has grown and changed as well.  I used to love him for all the things he DID for me:
  • bought me a used bike for my birthday and totally reconditioned it ... including the snazziest banana seat you'll ever lay eyes on
  • taught me how to catch a baseball
  • danced with me in the living room after supper
  • helped me put together my insect collection (I know ..... UGH! ... but it was cool!)
  • designed and built a rabbit hutch that could hold our 19 rabbits - in the back yard - in the city!
  • scoped out clunker junkers with us until we found an old car he could buy for us teenagers
  • paid through the nose for my university education
  • sat me down and encouraged me to write out a LIST (one of his personal favourite activities) of the qualities I was looking for in a husband ... the non-negotiables and the negotiables
Yes, he was a great father to all of us as we grew up.  Quiet, but loving and always ready to help.  And of course, this hasn't changed now that we've produced nine grandchildren (between the 3 of us ... oh, thank You Lord, they're not all mine).  Dad still does all those same kinds of things for the kids now.  Tutoring, teaching sudoku, helping with bikes, driving them places ....

But in the past few years, as I've become a parent and a "grown up" myself, I've begun to appreciate my Dad for some other things as well.  For some deeper things, character qualities that I always saw as a kid, but never really acknowledged or thought much about.  Now I love him just as much for the things he IS:

  • a man with a servant's heart who shows me what it looks like to reach out to the poor and disadvantaged
  • a faithful, loving husband for my wonderful Mom
  • a sacrificial giver
  • a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, who loves God and has a growing dynamic relationship with Him
  • a lifelong learner who will sit and chat with you over coffee about the things he's got mulling around in his head at that particular moment
  • a friend to the people God brings across his path ... whether they're newcomers from China, neighbours he's just met or a young newlywed couple he and Mom have agreed to mentor 
  • the kind of person who follows through on his promises and keeps his word
I haven't been able to swallow the lump in my throat as I've written this post, because I can't help but think that God heaped an extra measure of blessing on me when he gave me such a wonderful Dad.  Happy Birthday, Dad!  I love you so much!


Friday, October 19, 2012

Lulu's Bad Day

Meet Lulu.  
Lulu is very cute.  She knows it.

Two days ago, Lulu had a bad day.  
A VERY bad day.

As soon as Daddy let her out of her crate she ran downstairs and did this on the carpet.
Two times.

Later that morning when the front door opened she went searching for an adventure.

When her family came home after school, they discovered that Lulu
had spent some time reading Duncan's library book.
Oh, and one of Daddy's favourite prayer books, too.

Mommy and Daddy decided to finish the day with a leisurely evening walk.
Lulu was not in a leisurely mood.  Lulu almost dislocated
Mommy's shoulder.

It's a good thing Lulu's family loves her so much.
But they're seriously considering calling the Dog Whisperer.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

As far as I'm concerned,  the best part of any holiday is the family gathering.  I can't tell you how much I love to watch our kids and their cousins reunite after a few months apart.  They change so crazy fast, don't they?  And start to look more and more like their parents, too.  Yikes ... how can this possibly be happening already!?

We spent at a lot of time at my Mom and Dad's place this weekend.  Last night was the official Thanksgiving feast - full turkey dinner with all the tried and true favourites!  Sweet potato casserole - mmmmm.... love that pecan topping; broccoli salad made by yours truly; pumpkin and chocolate pies.  Right before we went over last night, I was busy at home trying something new from the Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog - oh the glorious looking food on there - something called  the Apple Perishky.  It looks like a little apple pie in a pocket (check the link) and without blowing my own horn, let me just say they are uber yummy.  I brought a few to Mom's as an experiment.  Delish!

While we were all together (minus brother Cam and sis-in-law Ashleigh unfortunately), Dad took some pics.  Here are the 9 cousins in all their adolescent and tweeny glory:

That's Ben leaning over making a typical 9-year old goofy face.  Everyone else is actually starting to care how they look in a picture, but he's not quite there yet.  I'm so glad about that.  Heehee.

We strategically repositioned the kids so Oma's beautiful Thanksgiving display could make it onto the picture.  She insisted. (Just kidding, no she didn't.  But she did push a little for it.)  Notice how perfectly Sam's orange pants coordinate with the autumn theme.  He's good.

Seeing as we survived the large group cousin shots, John and I decided to tempt fate and try for a couple Hollingsworth-only pictures.  We are pathetically overdue in the family portrait department, so we talked Dad into snapping a few of just us.

Not bad for a last minute photo session, eh?  Good job, Father Konrad!
The last time I saw my friend Deb, I was complaining about the double chin I always develop in pictures.  She taught me the "chin down and out" trick and I have to say, I think it works!!  You feel really dumb while you're doing it, but who cares if it means your jowls are presentable on the finished product?

Duncan sitting amongst Oma and Opa's foliage.  Luckily there was a rock in the perfect spot for his bum.

This girl rarely takes a bad picture.  Emma doesn't need the chin-out-and-down rule.  Isn't she gorgeous?

And last but not least ... Ben climbed a rather delicate looking tree in Opa's flowerbed (eek!) for his picture.  He's sporting some serious Fidgets bling by the way.  The dog tags and cap go with him everywhere these days.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  May your turkey be scrumptious and your pumpkin pie velvety smooth.  And may we all thank God for the blessings He has so generously heaped upon us in this rich and beautiful country of ours.