"Hear me as I pray, O Lord.
Be merciful and answer me!
My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me."
And my heart responds, "Lord, I am coming."
Psalm 27:7-8
I'm not exactly sure why I love these verses from the Bible so much, but the minute I saw them on the page... out came the highlighter! I wonder if it's just that I can SO relate to the desperate sound of those words, "Be merciful and answer me!!" Have you been there? In such a hard place that you know the only thing to get you through is a word from God Himself? I sure have. There are times we're not sure He's even listening and we find ourselves begging Him to "HEAR me as I pray, O Lord..."
Maybe that's why the second part is so wonderful. The whole time we've been hollering for Him to LISTEN!! ANSWER! HAVE MERCY! ... He's been waiting, calling for our attention. "Come and talk with me." I love those words. I'm a talker. There's nothing I like better than to sit and chat with someone I love. When John says, "Come and tell me about your day" or a faraway friend calls and says, "Let's catch up!" or a close-to-home friend invites me for tea at her house ... I feel special! How amazing is it that the God who holds the universe in His hands says, "Come and talk with me." He made me, He knows me perfectly, He sees all my junk and He still wants to hang out with me! It's hard to wrap our heads around that, isn't it?
I wish I could say I always respond with, "Lord, I am coming." I try to. But I don't take Him up on His invitation nearly often enough. That's one thing I'm really working on and He's eternally patient so I know He's not mad at me or anything. :) He just wants us to talk to Him. He's the best best friend we'll ever have. I hope you know Him and if you don't, I hope you'll get in touch with Him soon!
He's waiting....