Well, we're doing it! We've bitten the proverbial bullet and we are heading down to Florida. Orlando, to be exact. Disneyworld to be exact-er. It was no small feat, convincing my sweetheart that our family NEEDED to spend our income tax return in this way ... but he eventually ran out of excuses and most likely got so tired of the pathetic, pleading look in my eyes that he figured it would be easier to cave and just do the thing than it would be to live under that kind of pressure much longer. I love that about him.
So, in exactly 48 hours we will be rolling down the 1-75, probably with our van scraping the pavement it will be so loaded down with "diversions" for the children. How exactly are we going to survive a 22-hour ride straight through the night and into the next afternoon? I have no earthly idea. Seriously, I don't. But "everyone" does this, apparently. I've lost count of the number of people who casually shrug it off. "Oh yeah, we do it all the time." "We drove straight through every year when our kids were young." Clearly this is within the realm of the possible. And so, I forge ahead with my packing, planning, organizing .... all the things I love to do. And I try not to think about the reality of what I've talked my husband into. Will we actually arrive in that far-off land? The hordes of tourists we will encounter at Disneyworld are the least of my concern right now. I just want to GET THERE!
Signing off in the hopes that we shall meet again...